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Over 20 years of teaching experience

At Inovasi Jaya, we aim to provide quality education to all our students and assist them to reach greater academic achievement. We offer subjects tuition for Primary and Secondary Education and prepare our students with systematic notes, weekly classes, and intensive revision classes.

Our mission and values

With dedicated teachers, your children can reach a higher level of achievement and unlock their full potential. It has been our mission since 2008 to assist our students in building a strong academic foundation and systematic learning plan.

Leading Innovative Education

Why study with us?



Established for over 14 years.

Since 2008, we have helped many UPSR, PT3, and SPM students reach their study goals by providing an innovative and stimulating learning environment.

Experienced and trained teachers.

Our team is made up of experienced and highly-trained teachers, led by our director who has over 20 years of teaching experience. Each of them is a specialist in their subject field.

Strong administrative team.

Our teachers are supported by a strong and efficient administrative team to handle student affairs and communicate with parents directly regarding the centre’s most recent news and updates.


Reasonable fees.

At Inovasi Jaya, we believe education should be affordable and accessible for every student. We are committed to providing high-quality lessons at a reasonable price.

Most updated teaching materials based on school curriculum.

All of our teaching materials are updated annually based on the KSSR and KSSM standards, along with our teachers’ analysed focus points.

Systematic notes and interactive learning.

All our students are provided with updated systematic notes, carefully written and analysed by our teachers, to keep their study plan efficient and interesting.


Unlock your child full potential.

What our students say:


“ I never thought I will do well in Physics and almost gave up on my Physics class, but Ms. Sek’s Physics class was very different, it was interesting, easy to understand, and very helpful. Before attending Inovasi Jaya, I wouldn’t think I will be interested in Physics at all because it seems too difficult for me. But with Ms. Sek’s class, I began to develop an interest in Physics and improve my Physics exam at school. Physics is no longer my least favourite subject and I truly have to thank Ms. Sek for helping my Physics. ”


Tan S.Y

“ A strong foundation will go a long way. Without the foundation from years of English class at Inovasi Jaya, my transition to an American high school wouldn’t have been as smooth and easier. I am grateful for how Inovasi tuition has prepared me with fundamental English skills to adapt to a new school environment in the United States and not fall far behind other students. Today, I am lucky to be accepted to a university in New York, and one of the succeeding factors was my study foundation from Inovasi. ”


Leong W.D